Monday, November 17, 2008

Shakespearean Drama & The Rise of Humanism

Shakespearean Drama

  1. Elizabethan drama came from three sources:
    • medieval plays, 16th century interludes, and Greek and Latin classics
2. Plays focused mainly on human complexities rather
than religious themes

3. The Globe: most successful English theater
4. Shakespeare contributed 37 plays to the theater
including tragedies, comedies, and

    • ex: Macbeth [tragedy]
    • Othello [tragedy]
    • A Midsummer Night's Dream [comedy]
5. Christopher Marlowe: wrote tragedies
    • 1st playwright to explore potential of English language as dramatic medium
6. Ben Jonson: wrote comedies
    • writing included satire and cynical commentary
7. After 1649: Puritans closed theater

The Rise of Humanism
  1. Humanists studied humanities
    • art, history, philosophy, & literature
2. Humanists criticized society
3. Sir Thomas Moore: believed humans could run the world best
4. 1516: Sir Thomas Moore published Utopia
    • perfect society on imaginary island
5. Humanists were concerned with classical learning
6. Reverence for classics combined with a pride in English language led to distinguished
    • ex: Earl of Surrey's "Aeneid" translation
    • George Chapman's "Iliad & Odyssey" translation
7. Humanists disagreed on religious issues.

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