Sunday, November 16, 2008

Spiritual Writing & The Metaphysical & Cavalier Poets

Spiritual Writing

  1. Early efforts for Bible translation were censored by the church.
    • John Wycliffe: attacked by British archbishop for translation
    • William Tyndale: condemned as heretic and burned at the stake
2. 1604: James I commissioned 54 biblical scholars to create a new authorized version
    • based on Greek, Hebrew, and early Latin translations
3. John Miltion's "The Paradise Lost" is based on a biblical story of the first humans 4. John Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress" is an allegory of the journey to the afterlife

The Metaphysical and Cavalier Poets

1. Ben Jonson
: boisterous man, accomplished poet, and
inspiration to other poets
    • "sons of Ben"
    • Robert Herrick
    • Richard Lovelace
    • Sir John Suckling
2. These poets were known as "Cavalier Poets" because
they took the side of
Charles I and the Royalists.

3. Cavalier poetry was charming, witty, and dealt with
themes of love, death,
and carpe diem
    • carpe diem: living for the moment
4. John Donne: wrote Metaphysical poetry
    • poems characterized by live, death, and religious devotion
5. Metaphysical poets used elaborate metaphors to explore the complexities of life

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