Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Monarchy and the Church & The Elizabethan Era

The Monarchy and The Church

  1. As kings and queens gained power they began to censor writers and their works.
  • Some writers who died for their writing were Sir Thomas More and Sir Walter Raleigh.

2. In 1485 Henry Tudor became king as Henry VII.

  • He formed an alliance with Spain by arranging for his son Arthur to marry
Catherine of Aragon.

  • When he died his son Henry VIII took the throne.

4. During Henry VIII's time as king the people were unhappy with the church.

  • The church was very fraudulent and adulterous.

  • Because of this German Monk argued against this and started the Protestant church and reform.

5. Henry VIII was a loser and couldn't produce a male heir and wanted an annulment from his wife, who only birthed daughters.

  • The Catholic church did not let him and he broke from Rome and created the Church of England.

  • Then he divorced Catherine and married Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth's court attendant, and movie star.

  • Henry had six wives and only produced one male son, Edward, who was very sick and died at the age of twelve.

  • During Edward's short reign the Puritans were formed.

  • After he died Catherine's daughter "Bloody" Mary took the throne, she killed alot of Protestants.

  • After she died, in 1558 Elizabeth I took the throne.

The Elizabethan Era

1. One of the best monarchs in English history was Queen Elizabeth I.

  • Her time was one of prosperity and international prestige.

  • She also did not promote war and ended the unpopular Spanish alliance.

  • She reestablished the Church Of England and made it a middleground for Protestants and Catholics.

  • But Catholics wanted Mary Stuart, Elizabeth's cousin, to be queen.

  • So Elizabeth had her beheaded.

  • Elizabeth also defeated the Spanish Armada in 1587.

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