Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Monarchy and the Church & The Elizabethan Era

The Monarchy and The Church

  1. As kings and queens gained power they began to censor writers and their works.
  • Some writers who died for their writing were Sir Thomas More and Sir Walter Raleigh.

2. In 1485 Henry Tudor became king as Henry VII.

  • He formed an alliance with Spain by arranging for his son Arthur to marry
Catherine of Aragon.

  • When he died his son Henry VIII took the throne.

4. During Henry VIII's time as king the people were unhappy with the church.

  • The church was very fraudulent and adulterous.

  • Because of this German Monk argued against this and started the Protestant church and reform.

5. Henry VIII was a loser and couldn't produce a male heir and wanted an annulment from his wife, who only birthed daughters.

  • The Catholic church did not let him and he broke from Rome and created the Church of England.

  • Then he divorced Catherine and married Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth's court attendant, and movie star.

  • Henry had six wives and only produced one male son, Edward, who was very sick and died at the age of twelve.

  • During Edward's short reign the Puritans were formed.

  • After he died Catherine's daughter "Bloody" Mary took the throne, she killed alot of Protestants.

  • After she died, in 1558 Elizabeth I took the throne.

The Elizabethan Era

1. One of the best monarchs in English history was Queen Elizabeth I.

  • Her time was one of prosperity and international prestige.

  • She also did not promote war and ended the unpopular Spanish alliance.

  • She reestablished the Church Of England and made it a middleground for Protestants and Catholics.

  • But Catholics wanted Mary Stuart, Elizabeth's cousin, to be queen.

  • So Elizabeth had her beheaded.

  • Elizabeth also defeated the Spanish Armada in 1587.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Rise of The Stuarts & The Defeat of Monarchy

The Rise of The Stuarts

1. When Elizabeth I died in 1603 her cousin James VI of Scotland, crowned James I, was made king.
  • Both Catholics and Protestants disliked him.
  • Guy Fawkes tried to destroy James I and parliament with bombs in the Gunpowder Plot of 1605.
2. When he died his son Charles I took the throne, he was also severly disliked.
  • He dismissed Parliament and supressed many of the English citizens.
  • He eventually caused the English civil war.

The Defeat of the Monarchy

1. The English Civil War was between the Royalists (Catholics, Anglicans, and nobility) and the supporters of Parliament (Puritans, smaller landowners, and the middle class).

  • General Oliver Cromwell helped the supporters of Parliament win in 1645.
  • Then Parliament established a commonwealth, it failed miserably.
  • Then they invited Charles I's son, Charles II to be the new king.
  • He created the Restoration.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Renaissance

The Renaissance

1. The Renaissance was a rebirth in writing,
science, education, and art.
  • It was started in Italy in 1300's but came to England in 1485.
  • People also started to take more interest in life on Earth.
  • The Renaissace was the time of Shakespeare, Galileo, and Columbus.
  • There were many new inventions like the printing press.
  • The Bible was translated into English. :D