Friday, November 21, 2008

Pastoral Poems and Sonnets

Pastoral Poems and Sonnets

1. There were crazy awesome writers during the Renaissance.

  • Elizabeth I was a poet herself and rewarded poets for their eloquent rhymes.
  • She also surrounded herself with lyricists.
  • Among her Proteges were Sir Philip Sydney and Sir Walter Raleigh.
  • The latter encouraged his homie Edmund Spencer to write the epic The Faerie Queen (1950) in honor of the queen, Elizabeth I.
  • Christopher Marlowe wrote pastoral poems about shepherds and rustic life.

2. The Elizabethan poets were very spiritual about nature.

  • They created ingenious metaphors, wicked sweet allegories, and analogies, all in the form of Sonnets.
  • The Sonnet was the most popular form of love poems.
  • Some Sonneters were Sir Thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard, Edward Spencer, William Shakespeare, and Amelia Lanier.

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